MIRA AI Solutions

At MIRA we develop state-of-the art AI-based image analysis solutions for biomedicine and digitial pathology. With our unique technology, we are the frist to enable AI solutions for various applications across microscopy.

Our Algorithms

Explore our fast, reliable and accurate image analysis solutions for biomedicine and histopathology. 

Hematoxylin & Eosin (H&E) stained skeletal muscle cross-section analysis. Quantify fiber features (area and diameter), connective tissue (area and diameter) and myonuclei (central vs. peripheral).

Myosin heavy chain (MHC) immunohistochemically stained skeletal muscle cross-section analysis. Quantify type I and type II fibers and their respecitve fiber diameter and area distributions.

Analyze immunofluorescence stained skeletal muscle tissue. Quantify fiber features (diameter, area and type), connective tissue (area and diameter) and myonuclei (central vs. peripheral).

Skeletal Muscle Tissue

H&E skeletal muscle tissue analysis

MIRA AI solution for automated image analysis of Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E)-stained histopathology images of murine and human skeletal muscle cross-sections. 

Analysis features:

The H&E skeletal muscle tissue analysis solution quantifies the fiber diameters (also known as the minimum feret diameter), fiber areas as well as the total number of fibers. Based on the myonuclei analysis, the percentage of fibers with centralized nuclei is also reported.

The H&E skeletal muscle tissue analysis solution quantifies the number of centralized and peripheral nuclei, which based on the accurate fiber segmentation. 

The connective tissue analysis includes an accurate segmentation and quantification of the connective tissue area and diameter distribution.

Example analysis:

The analysis example on the right show a H&E-stained skeletal muscle section derived from plectin knockout mice showing the qualitative analysis results for the fiber segmentation and centralized (red) and peripheral nuclei (green) detection.

Fibers & myonuclei
Type I fibers
Skeletal Muscle Tissue

MHC skeletal muscle tissue analysis

Automated image analysis of Myosin Heavy Chain (MHC)-stained histopathology images of murine and human skeletal muscle cross-sections. 

Analysis features:

The MHC skeletal muscle tissue analysis solution quantifies the fiber diameters (also known as the minimum feret diameter), fiber areas as well as the total number of 
type I and type II fibers

The connective tissue analysis includes an accurate segmentation and quantification of the connective tissue area and diameter distribution.

Example analysis:

The analysis example on the left shows a Myosin Heavy Chain slow (MHCs) immuno-histochemically stained human soleus skeletal muscle cross-section. The results show the analysis results for the type I fiber segmentation. Each fiber is colored-coded by the fiber diameter.


Skeletal Muscle Tissue

Immunofluorescence skeletal muscle tissue analysis

MIRA AI solution for automated image analysis of immunofluorescence stained histopathology images of murine and human skeletal muscle cross-sections. 

Analysis features:

MIRA analysis solution that quantifies fiber types and its features such as the fiber diameters (also known as the minimum feret diameter), fiber areas as well as the total number of fibers.

The immunofluorescence skeletal muscle tissue analysis solution quantifies the number of centralized and peripheral nuclei, which based on the accurate fiber segmentation. 

The connective tissue analysis includes an accurate segmentation and quantification of the connective tissue area and diameter distribution.

Example analysis:

The example on the right shows the AI-assisted analysis of tibialis anterior muscle tissue derived from d2.mdx mice stained with SC-71 antibody
(MyHC2a, red), BF-F3 antibody (MyHC2b, green) and Laminin (white). The analysis result shows the extracted MyH2Cb fibers.

MyH2Cb (green) fibers

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